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Purchase of Products or Services from this Site

Your purchase of any product or service on this Site forms a legally binding agreement between you and EVENT Cinemas Limited (the Company) on these Conditions of Sale in addition to the Terms of Use. You also agree to be liable for any breaches of the Conditions of Sale by individuals using products or services purchased by you on this Site. Children under the age of 16 may not purchase any product or service from this Site and must obtain the permission and assistance of their parent or guardian to do this.

You acknowledge the Company’s right to enforce film classification requirements set by the New Zealand Censorship Board and you will not purchase tickets that you (and any persons on whose behalf you purchase tickets) are not legally entitled to see, for instance if you are under 16 you cannot purchase and use tickets for a film classified R16. The Company reserves the right to insist that you provide suitable photographic identification depending on a film’s classification.

Cinema Specific Policies

Each Cinema of the Company has specific house policies such as Responsible Service of Alcohol and may have other conditions of entry that apply from time to time. These are made available at each Cinema and you agree to be bound by these. Cameras, audio and video recorders are not permitted inside any Cinema.

Personal Information and Payment System

Please click here to view how we handle and store your information.


No Free List

The Company may impose a “no free list” or “no free tickets” restriction (NFL) to certain films and screenings in its discretion. NFL is a restriction imposed for selected films and screenings upon their release. It means that no special complimentary coupons, discounts or offers are valid for use on that specific film or screening until the restriction has been lifted. Generally, the NFL restriction will last only 2 weeks after a film’s release, although there are exceptions.


Where you purchase concession tickets online, suitable identification must be provided at the Cinema.

Online Fees

The purchasing of products and services may be subject to booking, credit card and other fees. All tickets purchased through this Site will be subject to a booking fee per standard, Vmax or Gold Class ticket booked unless otherwise specified. The Company reserves the right to vary the amount of this booking fee from time to time, as specified in the ticket purchasing process.

Additional Charges
Additional charges may apply for 3D films and for the purchase of 3D glasses and as otherwise notified by the Company.
Times and Session Details

Times and session details in relation to tickets purchased through this Site are subject to change without notice.


Cinema Complex Information

This Site may contain Cinema complex information such as Cinema trading hours and availability of parking for individual Cinemas which the Company understands is correct at the time of posting however is subject to change. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy of the Cinema complex information but will use its reasonable efforts to keep the details accurate.

Refund and Return Policy

To the extent permitted by law, and without limiting the application of New Zealand Consumer Law and the Consumer Guarantees, the Company’s liability to you in connection with the purchase or use of any products or services obtained from this Site is limited to either:
(a) replacement of those products or services; or 
(b) a refund of the cost of purchase of those products and services.
Refunds or exchanges are not available where you simply change your mind, or where you have mistakenly purchased the wrong ticket or where you do not have a receipt for the products or services.


Alcoholic Beverages

Where your purchase from this Site includes a purchase of any alcoholic beverage, you warrant that you are over 18 years of age and legally entitled to purchase this product. If you are purchasing this product on behalf of someone else, the recipient must also be over 18 years of age. You or the product recipient must supply suitable photographic proof of age evidence at the point of supply at the Cinema on request by the Company. If this cannot be presented, the Company is entitled to refuse to supply the alcoholic beverage with no further compensation to you.


GST applies to the purchase of products and services from this Site and will be charged at the time of purchase.

Force Majeure

The Company’s obligations to you will be suspended for the period in which the Company is affected by any event beyond its reasonable control which shall include without limitation an act of God, fire, flood or other extreme weather event, natural disaster, strike, electricity, power or communications failure, shortage or unavailability of products or services or a change in applicable law.

No Re-Sale or Promotional Use

Products or services obtained from this Site (including vouchers) may not be re-sold, on-supplied or transferred for commercial, consumer or promotional purposes, bundled with other goods and services or used for promotional purposes without the Company’s prior written consent.

Terms of Use

These Conditions of Sale form part of the Terms of Use and clauses in the Terms of Use apply in the Conditions of Sale as the context requires. If there is any contradiction between the Conditions of Sale and the Terms of Use, then the Terms of Use shall take precedence.




1. Introduction:
1.1 These Terms and Conditions are for the Cinebuzz Rewards Program. Your participation in the Program will be governed by these Terms and Conditions. They are intended to protect both Members and the Program Operator. It is a Member’s responsibility to read and understand them. We ask that you read them carefully.
1.2 Use of your Membership Card or Membership Number signifies your acceptance of the current Terms and Conditions of the Program.
1.3 These Terms and Conditions are effective as at 1 July 2014. These Terms and Conditions, including any Benefits of the Program, may be amended from time to time by the Program Operator at its sole discretion. Members should refer to cinebuzz.co.nz for the current Terms and Conditions.
1.4 Every Member is subject to these Terms and Conditions.

2. Definitions
In these Terms and Conditions, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings as defined below unless the context otherwise requires:
“Benefits” means benefits offered under the Program to Members.
'Card' means a card issued by the Program Operator to identify the Member as a participant of the Program and to enable a Member to utilise the benefits and privileges of the Program.
 - “Cinebuzz Rewards” means the cinema loyalty program operated by the Program Operator.
 - “Cinebuzz Rewards Crew” means a person who qualifies as a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member for the time being. For details please see cinebuzz.co.nz
 - “Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors” means a person who qualifies as a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member. For details please see cinebuzz.co.nz
 - “Cinebuzz Rewards for Students” means a person who qualifies as a Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Member. For details please see cinebuzz.co.nz
 - “Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member” means a Member who has qualified for the VIP membership tier and so is entitled to additional Benefits as set out in these Terms and Conditions.
'Cinemas' means cinemas operated by Event Cinemas Limited or its related bodies corporate in New Zealand including cinemas branded Event Cinemas and Embassy Theatre, but excluding Rialto Cinemas.
“Deluxe Session” means any session screened in a Deluxe auditorium at a Participating Cinema, where Deluxe pricing applies. In these terms and conditions, wherever a term or condition applies to a Vmax screening or auditorium, that same term or condition applies to a Deluxe screening or auditorium.
'Free Movie Ticket' provides for the Member to receive a complimentary movie ticket at no cost, subject to availability, at a Participating Cinema.
'Gold Class Session' means any session screened in a Gold Class auditorium at a Participating Cinema, where Gold Class pricing applies.
“Imax Session” means any session screened in an Imax auditorium at a Participating Cinema, where Imax pricing applies. In these terms and conditions, wherever a term or condition applies to a Vmax screening or auditorium, that same term or condition applies to an Imax screening or auditorium.
'Member' means a person who has been admitted by the Program Operator as a participant in the Program and is being recognised by the Program Operator as a participant for the time being.
'Membership' means membership of the Program by a Member.
“Membership Number” means the number shown on the Member’s Membership Card or when the Member logs onto the Program’s home page online.
“Membership Tier” means the tier of Membership the Member is qualified to. This is either a base tier or VIP tier membership.
“Membership Type” means the type of Membership the Member holds. This is either a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Membership, a general Cinebuzz Rewards Membership, a Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Membership or a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Membership.
'Participating Cinema' means the Cinemas designated by the Program Operator from time to time as 'Participating Cinemas' for the purpose of the Program. For a list of current Participating Cinemas please see cinebuzz.co.nz
“Platinum Seating Session” means any session screened in The Embassy Theatre, Wellington, where Platinum pricing applies. In these terms and conditions, wherever a term or condition applies to a Standard Session or screening or auditorium, that same term or condition applies where Platinum pricing applies.
'Program' means the Cinebuzz Rewards Program.
“Program Operator” means Event Cinemas Limited.
'Program Partner' means an entity with which Program Operator has entered into an agreement to provide goods and/or services to Program Members.
“Reward Points” means points earned as part of the Program that can be redeemed for a Free Movie Ticket. For the sake of clarity, it is noted that Reward Points are totally different to Status Credits that can be earned in the Program. Rewards Points are not relevant to tier status assessment in the Program.
“Seniors” means a Member who has been approved by the Program Operator as a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member of the Program for the time being.
'Standard Session' means any session excluding Gold Class, Vmax, Imax, Deluxe, Movie Marathons, 3D sessions or any other screening or program determined by the Program Operator to be a special event.
“Status Credits” means the credits earned by a Member that counts towards their tier status assessment. For the sake of clarity, it is noted that Status Credits are totally different to Reward Points. Status Credits cannot be redeemed for a Free Movie Ticket.
'Terms and Conditions' means these terms and conditions of the Program and any changes to these terms and conditions as may be made by the Program Operator from time to time, at its sole discretion.
 “VIP Tier Member” means a Member who qualifies to the VIP Cinebuzz Rewards tier of Membership at that particular time.
“Vmax session” means any session screened in a Vmax auditorium at a Participating Cinema, where Vmax pricing applies.
“3D” session, means any session at a Participating Cinema advertised as a 3D session

3. Membership Types
There are four types of Membership available that you may be eligible for:
Cinebuzz Rewards; or
Cinebuzz Rewards Crew; or
Cinebuzz Rewards for Students; or
Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors.

3.1: Cinebuzz Rewards
A person who is a Member, but is not enrolled to be a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew, Cinebuzz Rewards for Students or Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member will be a Member of the general Cinebuzz Rewards Program.


3.2: Cinebuzz Rewards Crew
A person who is eligible for a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Membership as set out in the Criteria for Membership below will be a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member for the time being and be entitled to additional Benefits under the Program. For details please see cinebuzz.co.nz


3.3: Cinebuzz Rewards for Students
A person who is eligible for a Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Membership as set out in the Criteria for Membership below will be a Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Member for the time being and be entitled to additional Benefits under the Program. . For full details of Cinebuzz Rewards for Students please see cinebuzz.co.nz


3.4: Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors
A person who is eligible for a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Membership as set out in the Criteria for Membership below will be a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member and be entitled to additional Benefits under the Program. For full details of Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors please see cinebuzz.co.nz

4. Membership Tiers
There are two tiers of Membership available that you may be eligible for:
Cinebuzz Rewards Member; or
Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member. 
Any Member who is not a VIP Tier Member is a standard Cinebuzz Rewards tier member.
A Member will be a Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member for the time being if they meet the criteria for Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Membership as set out below.

5. Membership cost
Membership of the Program is generally free of charge.
Membership is free for Cinebuzz Rewards Members, Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Members and Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Members. 
Membership of Cinebuzz for Students is $10 per annum, with the period of membership being for 12 months from when it is paid and membership approved. To continue to maintain Cinebuzz for Students membership beyond the initial 12 months, the member must continue to be eligible for such Membership and pay a $10 annual Cinebuzz for Students Membership fee.

6. Membership

6.1: General criteria
A person can hold a Membership if that person meets each of the following criteria:
(a) The Program Operator has approved the person’s Membership application at its sole discretion;
(b) The person must be a resident of New Zealand;
(c) To be a Member of the general Cinebuzz Rewards program the applicant must be between the ages of 15 to 64 inclusive:
Those under the age of 15 may join the Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Program
Those aged 65 years and over may join the Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Program
(d) Membership can only be held by an individual. Membership is not open to families, groups, companies, trusts, partnerships, other entities, government departments or agencies. Individual employees of a corporation or other entity can be enrolled as individual members;
(d) The person must provide and maintain details of a valid email address for their Membership at the time of joining and for their period of Membership and agree to receive Membership information emails from time to time. Members of the one household may share the same email address.


6.2: Criteria for Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Membership
A person can hold a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Membership if that person meets each of the following additional criteria:
(a) The person must be in the age range of 3 to 14 years of age inclusive; and
(b) The parent or guardian of the child must complete the on-line application form at cinebuzz.co.nz for the child and as part of that process the parent or guardian must provide their 
email address and other information as the contact point for communication to the child Member and the parent or guardian must also acknowledge their approval for the child to join as part of the application process.


6.3: Criteria for Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Membership
A person can hold a Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Membership if that person meets the following additional criteria:
(a) The person must be an enrolled student at a tertiary education institution or equivalent as assessed by the Program Operator and be able to show a tertiary student card each time they attend the cinema if requested by staff of the Program Operator.


6.4: Criteria for Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Membership
A person can hold a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Membership if that person meets the following additional criteria:
(a) The person must be 65 years of age or over.


6.5 Criteria for different tiers of Membership: 
6.5.1: All Members will fall into one of two tiers within the Program. Either:
(a) Cinebuzz Rewards Tier: At time of joining all Members initially enter the Program as a Cinebuzz Rewards Member. They will retain that level of Membership until either, (i) they qualify for a higher Membership tier, (ii) they terminate their Membership, or (iii) the Program Operators terminate their Membership. OR
(b) Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Tier: To become a Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member, an individual must earn a certain number of Status Credits in a rolling 12 month period as specified by the Program Operator. Once a Member becomes a Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member they will retain that status for 12 months from the end of the month they qualify. At the end of the 12 months, their tier status will be re-assessed. To maintain the status of a Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Member they must continue to earn a certain number of Status Credits in the subsequent rolling 12 months as specified by the Program Operator. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details regarding the number of Status Credits to either attain or retain Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Membership status. 
6.5.2: Earning Status Credits for tier assessment
Members will earn Status Credits for a maximum of one paid ticket per session where the purchased ticket is used by the Member and the Member’s Membership Number is recorded against the ticket purchase. 
Members will earn Status Credits according to the type of session they purchase a ticket for, with different Status Credits earned for each of a Standard Session, a V-Max Session (including IMAX and Deluxe) and a Gold Class Session. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details regarding the number of Status Credits currently earned by session type.
Status Credits are not earned on a Free Movie Ticket.
Status Credits are earned by the individual Member and cannot be transferred or pooled with other Members.
Status Credits expire at the end of the month on the 1 year anniversary of the month they were earned.

7. Membership Card

7.1 The Program has its own distinctive Membership Cards. There are separate distinctive Membership cards for:
Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Members
General Cinebuzz Rewards Members 
With a separate card for general Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Members
Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Members 
With a separate card for Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors VIP Members 
Cinebuzz Rewards for Student Members have a standard Cinebuzz card as used by general Cinebuzz Rewards Members, with the Program’s system providing information to the Members online and in-cinema to cinema staff as to their eligibility for Cinebuzz Rewards for Student benefits at any particular time.


7.2 VIP Membership Cards have an expiry date on them and after that expiry date, the card will not be valid. If, after the expiry date on the VIP Membership Card the Member still meets the criteria to retain their VIP tier status, the Program Operator will provide the Member with a new VIP Membership Card with a new expiry date. If the Member does not meet the criteria to be retained at the VIP Membership tier, the Member will be issued with a new base tier Membership Card. 


7.3 If a base tier Cinebuzz Rewards Member meets the criteria at any time to move to VIP Membership tier status, the Member will be issued with a VIP Membership Card for which they now qualify. 


7.4 The Member’s existing balance of Reward Points is retained if and when a Member changes status from any one tier to another.


7.5 Members should keep their Card secure.


7.6 The Card is not transferable and must not be given to other individuals to secure benefits from the Program.


7.7 The Membership Card should be presented at the point of sale when making any purchase.


7.8 If a Membership Card is lost or stolen the Member must immediately advise the Program Operator. In the first instance, the Program Operator will replace the Membership Card. Thereafter the Member may be charged a replacement fee of $10 at the Program Operator’s discretion.


7.9 The Program Operator shall be entitled to assume that any person that purports to be a Member and provides (whether in person or through any electronic, telecommunications or other media) the Membership Card or Membership Number to the Program Operator is in fact the Member. The Program Operator shall be entitled to reveal to any such person any and all information relating to their Membership and Membership bookings and treat and act on any request of such a person with respect to any other matter regarding the Program without taking any further steps to verify the identity of the person.

8. Period and Form of Membership
The Period of Membership of the Program is from the date of enrolment until terminated by either the Member or the Program Operator.
A Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member will automatically become a general Cinebuzz Rewards Member when they reach the age of 15.
A general Cinebuzz Rewards Member will automatically become a Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member when they reach the age of 65.
A Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Member will be required to provide tertiary student identification that is acceptable to the Program Operator each year to retain their Cinebuzz Rewards for Student Membership. Otherwise, they will automatically be migrated after that year to a general Cinebuzz Rewards Membership unless or until they subsequently provide tertiary student identification that is acceptable to the Program Operator.

9. Activation of Membership

9.1 Members who join the Program online or via mobile app will be allocated while enrolling online or via mobile app, a temporary online version of a Membership Card and associated details. From that point, their Membership is active and may be used, including the ability to both earn and redeem Reward Points. Members who have joined online or via mobile app should collect their actual plastic Membership card when they next attend any Participating Cinema. To do so they need to print off from their online Membership homepage a copy of their online membership card. They should present this print off to staff who in turn will scan the document and provide them with their actual Membership Card.


9.2 Members who join the Program in cinema will be provided a permanent Membership Card with a Membership Number at that time. The Member can earn Reward Points from that time. However, for the Member to complete enrollment and fully activate their Membership, they must go online at cinebuzz.co.nz and provide details to complete their enrollment. In the case of the activation of enrolment for a Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member, this enrolment must be completed by the parent or guardian of the person being enrolled. Once that Membership activation process is completed, Reward Points can be redeemed as set out in these Terms and Conditions.

10. Program Benefits

10.1 No Guarantee
The Program Operator does not guarantee or warrant that any or all of the benefits or privileges of the Program will be available at all times. The Program Operator reserves the right to change, modify, limit or cancel any of the Program Benefits at any time. This includes increasing or decreasing any requirements for a reward, changing the value of rewards or limiting the availability of rewards. This also includes changing the list of Participating Cinemas.


10.2 Earning Reward Points
Members will earn Reward Points on one paid ticket per session. A ticket purchased by a Member must be used by that Member.
The number of Reward Points earned will vary depending on the session type the Member has purchased. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details of the number of Rewards Points that will be earned by session type and according to a Member’s Membership Type and Membership Tier status. Complimentary tickets will not earn Reward Points.
The Program Operator may offer bonus points for any particular movie, session, cinema or any combination thereof.
A Member can only earn a maximum of 1,700 Reward Points on any calendar day.
Points earned through purchasing tickets may not be credited to the Member’s account until up to 24 hours after the session in which they were earned.
Members cannot transfer points to another Member. 
Points cannot be redeemed for cash. Points may vary between ticket types. In the event that tickets are purchased as a package (e.g. double-admit evouchers, Family Passes, 2-for-$x etc) only one member may be able to earn points.
Standard sessions for Family Pass earn 400 points, Movie Money earns 75 points. Movie Money tickets with V-Max surcharges earn 100 points. Family Pass of 3 earns 300 points. Family Pass of 4+ earns 400 points.  Tickets purchased through AA earn 75 points. Vodafone tickets earn 50 points for standard and 75 for V-Max sessions. Vodafone Family Pass of 4 earns 200 points. Vodafone tickets do not qualify for the online bonus points. 



10.3 Redeeming Reward Points

Members can redeem Reward Points for Free Movie Tickets. The number of Reward Points needed will vary depending on the session type. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details of the number of Rewards Points that are required to redeem a Free Movie Ticket by session type.
The Program Operator may, at its sole discretion from time to time, offer a reduced points redemption requirement for any particular movie, session, cinema or any combination thereof.
Reward Points will be removed from the Member’s account at the time of booking or redemption but may not appear as removed until up to 24 hours after the session in which they were redeemed.
Free Movie Tickets for redemption may not be available for all sessions. Where Free Movie Tickets are available for redemption, the number available for redemption in each session is limited and once these have been allocated, additional Free Movie Tickets will not be made available for redemption.
Members may be able to redeem Reward Points for items other than Free Movie Tickets at certain times as specified by the Program Operator. 
Reward Point’s redemption of Free Movie Tickets must be booked online or via mobile app at cinebuzz.co.nz or in-cinema.


10.4 Reward Points expiry
Reward Points remain valid and can be used for a period of up to 12 months after the date they were earned. Reward Points earned more than 12 months previously will automatically expire.


10.5 Promotions, Competitions and Offers
From time to time the Program Operator may run competitions, promotions or other offers that are available to Members. A term of Membership is that the Member accepts that they may be automatically enrolled in certain competitions, promotions or offers conducted by the Program Operator from time to time by reason of their Membership, attendance or purchase by a Member. 
Such competitions, promotions and offers may be subject to other terms and conditions. Any such terms and conditions of any such promotions, competitions or offers will be made available at the time.


10.6 Screenings
Members may be eligible to attend special screenings only available to Program Members, or available to Members at a reduced price. Members may have their Membership Card scanned as proof of Membership. Membership does not guarantee entry to these screenings and are only available while tickets last.


10.7 Program Partners
The Program may include Benefits to Members from time to time that are offered by third party Program Partners. These offers are accepted by the Program Operator in good faith as to the appropriateness of the offer for Members and the ability of the Program Partner to deliver in accordance with any offer they make. The Program Operator accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any offers or Benefits provided to Members by Program Partners or any matter or dispute that may arise between the Member and a Program Partner in relation to any offer or Benefit that a third party has made through the Program.


10.8 Additional Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member Benefits
Each Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member may receive additional Member Benefits when attending Participating Cinemas or participating in other offers or promotions by the Program Operator. 
These may include special Cinebuzz Rewards Crew Member pricing to certain sessions. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details applicable at any point of time.


10.9 Additional Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Member Benefits
Each Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Member may receive additional Member Benefits when attending Participating Cinemas or participating in other offers or promotions by the Program Operator. This may include special pricing to certain sessions. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details applicable at any point of time for Cinebuzz Rewards for Students Memberships.


10.10 Additional Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member Benefits
Each Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Member may receive additional Member Benefits when attending Participating Cinemas or participating in other offers or promotions by the Program 
Operator. These may include special pricing to certain sessions. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details applicable at any point of time for Cinebuzz Rewards for Seniors Members.


10.11 Additional VIP Member Benefits
Cinebuzz Rewards VIP Members may receive additional Member Benefits when attending Participating Cinemas or participating in other offers or promotions by the Program Operator.
These may include benefits such as special pricing to certain sessions, increased points earning rates, decreased points redemption rates, access to special events or other benefits. VIP members will only receive free popcorn refills during the session time applicable to the ticket purchased for the film. Please see cinebuzz.co.nz for details applicable at any point of time.

11. Required methods of cinema bookings to receive Program Benefits

11.1 In order to ensure that Member bookings can be tracked to deliver Program Benefits, Members must make paid ticket bookings either online or via mobile app including their Membership number in the booking, or at the Cinema where they must present their Membership Card to the cashier at the beginning of the transaction. 


11.2 Reward Point’s redemption of Free Movie Tickets must be booked online or via the mobile app at cinebuzz.co.nz Members must enter their Membership number and follow the prompts associated with online redemption bookings.

12. Termination and Liability

12.1 If in the Program Operator’s reasonable opinion, a Member is using their Membership in an abusive or fraudulent way, has failed to comply with these Terms and Conditions, has committed an unlawful act or causes wilful damage to the Program Operator’s property, the Program Operator has the right to:
(a) immediately terminate their Membership;
(b) suspend their Membership temporarily until further notice;
(c) reverse or cancel any Reward Points and or other Program Benefits that a Member has accrued; and/or
(d) refuse to honour the redemption of any Reward Points.


12.2 Fraud or abuse concerning the Membership and/or privileges and Benefits may be subject to appropriate administrative and/or legal action by the Program Operator.


12.3 On the death of a person who is a Member the Membership will automatically terminate.


12.4 The Program Operator reserves the right to terminate the Program at any time without assigning any reason or giving any prior notice.


12.5 All Benefits, offers and rewards will be forfeited on termination of a Membership or on termination of the Program. The Program Operator (and its related bodies corporate and Program Partners) will have no further liability to any Member on termination of the Member’s membership or termination of the Program.


12.6 To the extent permitted by law (and including without limiting the application of the New Zealand Fair Trading Act and Consumer Guarantees Act):
 (a) The Program Operator (and its related bodies corporate and Program Partners) is not liable to a Member for any indirect or consequential loss or damage of any kind including loss of 
profits and loss of revenue;
 (b) the maximum aggregate liability of the Program Partner (and its related bodies corporate and Program Partners) in connection with the Program, whether for breach of this 
Agreement or in tort (including negligence) or otherwise is $10.


12.7 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions of Membership shall limit the Program Operator in the exercise of any of its legal or equitable rights and remedies.

13. Local laws and possible tax liability

13.1 The Program and the Member’s entitlements to any Benefits under the Program are subject to all laws applicable to the Program Operator and to the Member which restrict, prohibit or limit the scope or extent of the Program or any Benefits or privileges.


13.2 Rewards under the Program may be subject to tax liability. Any tax liability, including disclosure, connected with the receipt or use of the programs is the responsibility of the Member.

14. Reserved right to amend the Program

14.1 The Program Operator reserves the right to amend or alter the Terms and Conditions of the Program at any time. All interpretations of these Membership rules and regulations and conditions shall be at the sole discretion of the Program Operator.

15. Governing Law and jurisdiction

15.1 The Terms and Conditions of Membership of the Program are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand irrespective of where the application for Membership has been completed by the Member and submitted to the Program Operator. In any action or other legal process with respect to any matter or thing in connection with these Terms and Conditions or Membership, the Member submits to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.


15.2 Nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects any rights a Member may have and which by law cannot be excluded, including under the New Zealand Fair Trading Act and Consumer Guarantees Act. 


15.3 If part or all of any clause in these Terms and Conditions is illegal, invalid or unenforceable then it will be read down to the extent necessary to ensure that it is not illegal, invalid or unenforceable, but if that is not possible, it will be severed from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will continue to have full force and effect.

16. Privacy Policy
The Program Operator respects your right to privacy and has policies and procedures in place to ensure that all personal information collected by the Program Operator is handled sensitively, securely and in accordance with regulatory requirements. The Program Operator’s Privacy Policy is available here. As a Member of the Program, you agree to the collection and use by the Program Operator of your personal information in accordance with the Program Operator’s Privacy Policy.

17. Contact Us

If you have any questions or queries about the Cinebuzz Rewards Program, please contact us using the following email address: [email protected]